Blat Byblos – The church of St Elias

St Elias Church, Blat, Lebanon

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كنيسة مار الياس

Blat Jbeil


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار الياس - بلاط جبيل الكنيسة في الأساس مبنيّة بحجارة معبدٍ رومانيّ بُني في زمان الإمبراطور انطونان التقيّ كما تشير النقوش اليونانيّة على جدرانها. تحوي الكنيسة على عدّة آثار من المعبد القديم كتمثال صنمٍ في آخرها. في القرون الوسطى تزيّنت الكنيسة بمجموعة من الجداريّات ما زال قسمٌ منها ماثل. الكنيسة كناية عن بناء بنمط بازيليكيّ بثلاث أسواقٍ وعقدٍ سريريّ. في عهد المماليك إستُعملت هذه الكنيسة كخانٍ للمُسافرين، وفي بداية العهد العُثماني إستُعملت إسطبلاً للخيل في قسمٍ منها، وفي القسم الآخر أُنشئت معصرة للزيتون. وآلت ملكيتها لمشايخ آل حمادة الشيعة. وفي أوآخر القرن الثامن عشر قَدَمَ الشيخ وهبه الدحداح الأول من كسروان وإستملك بلاط، فَحوَّل الإسطبل الذي أصبح من أملاكه الى كنيسة على إسم مار الياس وأعاد ترميمها، فكرَّسها المطران يوسف المريض في 4 كانون الأول ١٨٧٠. وفي العام ١٩١٩ ضربتها صاعقة، فأعاد الشيخ إسكندر كنعان وهبه الدحداح ترميمها. وفي العام ١٩٧٨ قامت المديريّة العامّة للآثار بترميمها على الشكل الذي تقوم عليه الآن. تضمّ الكنيسة لوحةً لمار الياس من عمل كنعان ديب الدلبتاوي. The church of St Elias - Blat Byblos The church was built with the spolias of an ancient roman temple built during the reign of the emperor Antoninus the pious. The church holds many remanences of the temple : greek inscriptions and an idol. The church’s structure is a three naved basilical plan with a crib vault. It used to be covered with frescoes some of them can be seen today. During the Mamluk’s era the church was converted into a caravanserai. Later on it was converted into a stable and an olive pressing mill and remained so during the Ottoman era when it became property of the Shia lords of the Hemade family. The church was bought by the Sheikh Wehbe el Dahdah when he came from Kesserwan and bought the village of Blat. The church was reconsecrated and dedicated to the Saint Elias the Prophet by bishop Youssef el Marid of the 4th of december 1870. It was damaged by a lightning stroke and restored in 1919 by Sheikh Kanaan Wehbe Dahdah. The church was renovated by the Lebanese Directorate General of Antiquities in 1978. The church holds a painting of Elias by Kanaan Dib.

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كنيسة مار بطرس وبولس



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار بطرس وبولس - العاقورة

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The church of Sts Peter and Paul - Aqoura

The church was a funerary cave for the priests of Adonis, it holds many sarcophaguses and three columns that pour water. The cave was studied by Ernest Renan and the archeologists of the French high commissariat. The church holds a VIIth century Syriac calligraphy that is distinct since it was written vertically, which relates to the Nestorian monks who went to missions during the Umayyad era and reached China. There they were influenced by the mandarin calligraphy and began writing Syriac in this manner. The stella of Xian uses the same type of writing and dates back to that era. The church was plundered by tomb raiders, the high altar was restored in 1895, and the entrance in 1952.

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كنيسة سيّدة الحوش



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The church of our Lady of Hawsh - Ghalboun

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Zouk Mkayel


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The monastery of the Annunciation Khazen for the Visitandine nuns - Zouk Mikael

In 1825 after Sheikh Bchara Jaffal el Khazen passed away, Patriarch Youssef Hbeich converted his estate into a nunnery dedicated to our Lady of the Annunciation. The nuns where essentially from the Khazen family and adopted the rule of St Francis of Sales for the visitandine sisters while remaining maronites. With time the monastery began to accept girls from outside of the Khazen family who wanted a strict observance and a contemplative way of life that is still practiced today. The chapel of the monastery is roofed, it is distinguishable by it’s nuns choir at the end of the church, and three mezzanines used by older nuns to participate in the liturgy.